Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera: Le sanzioni, il regime, gli Usa: l’accordo sull’Iran un anno dopo
Russian newspaper Независимая газета: КАРТ-БЛАНШ. В Иране задумались о следующем президенте Версия для печати Добавить в избранное
Al Jazeera Center for Studies: Iran and the Arab Revolutions: Narratives Establishing Iran’s Monopolism
Washington Quarterly, 39:4 pp. 145–163: Reading Reagan in Tehran: A Strategy of Realistic Engagement
Tasnim mews agency: وضع اقتصاد بعد از برجام بدتر شد/ مردم بدبینتر شدند/ «عدممحبوبیت» روحانی ۲برابر شد
Entekhab: 60 درصد ایرانیان مخالف مذاکره مجدد هسته ای هستند / 68 درصد مردم، روحانی را گزینه «مطلوب» خود برای ریاست جمهوری معرفی کرده اند / 57 درصد به بهبود وضعیت اقتصادی در نتیجه ی برجام امیدوارند
Public Radio International (PRI): Right-wing American bloggers have a problem with facts about Iran's Jews
Institute for International Political Studies: Iran’s Economic Difficulties, the Achilles Heel of Rouhani’s Election Campaign
Expresso (Portuguese newspaper): Eleições no Irão: “Podemos achar que não avançámos, mas pelo menos temos a certeza de que não andámos para trás”
Lidové noviny (oldest Czech newspaper): Prezidentské volby v Íránu: Nebezpečí nesplnitelných očekávání
Prensa Latina (Cuba official state news agency): Irán: elecciones muestran solidez de Revolución islámica
Prensa Latina (Cuba official state news agency): Revolución de los ayatolahs a nueva cita democrática
Washington Post: Iranians consider U.S. sanctions on missile program a breach of nuclear deal, poll finds
Washington Post: The Trump administration wants regime change in Iran. But regime change usually doesn’t work.
Ettela'at newspaper (front page): سردار سليماني و دكتر ظريف محبوبترين شخصيتهاي ايران در نظرسنجي دانشگاه مريلند
Khorasan newspaper: ظرسنجی مریلند؛ از معنای رأی به روحانی تا افزایش حمایت مردم از سیاست های اقتصاد مقاومتی
Slate: The Nuclear Deal Was Supposed to Make Life Better for Ordinary Iranians. They Aren’t Seeing It.
Forbes: Western Allies Diverge Further Over Iran, With Europe Offering Finance As US Launches New Travel Ban
Haaretz: As Trump Challenges Iran Nuclear Deal, Tehran's Residents, Already Skeptical About America, Worry
Washington Times: After Green Revolution, darker shade is cast
Washington Post: Most Iranians feel Trump’s comments in support of protesters didn’t help, poll finds
Bourse & Bazaar: In First Survey Since Iran Protests, Expressions of Solidarity as Economic Outlook Darkens